Loom Sizes & Measurements

Authentic Knitting Board Looms

All-In-One Loom 106 Pegs - Entire Loom
58 - One Rack
Sock Looms - Fine Guage Purple - 64 Pegs
Orange - 56 Pegs
Baby Looms (⅜” Spacing) Mint - 56 Pegs
Purple - 24 Pegs
Round (⅜” Spacing) Orange - 80 Pegs
White - 72 Pegs
Purple - 64 Pegs

Boye Round Looms

Round Knitting Loom Set Pink - 41 Pegs
Orange - 36 Pegs
Purple - 31 Pegs
Green - 24 Pegs
Light Weight Yarn Loom Round Set

Peg/Loom Measurements

Loom Pegs Measurements
32 pegs 14"
34 pegs 15"
36 pegs 16"
38 pegs 17"
41 pegs 18"

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