A lace stitch made for Halloween
I have found the perfect lace for Halloween!! The Spider Web Lace; it is from Elizbeth Lovick's book The Magic Shetland Lace Knitting. If you love to loom knit shawls this is a must have book!! Easily converts to loom knitting. Just had to share it! Perfect for any project in time for Halloween!
Here is the converted loom knit pattern:17 stitch multiple; can be done on large or fine gauge looms
R1 k6, k2tog yo, k1, yo ssk, k6
R2 and all even true knit
R3 k5, k2tog yo, k1, yo ssk, k5
R5 k4 (k2tog 2x) k1 (yo ssk 2x) k4
R7 k3 (k2tog yo 2x) k1 (yo ssk 2x) k3
R9 k2 (k2tog 3x) k1 (yo ssk 3x) k2
R11 k1(k2tog 3x) k1 (yo ssk 3x) k1
R13 (k2tog 4x) k1 (yo ssk 4x) k1
R15 k1 (k2tog yo 3x) k1 (yo ssk 3x) k2
R17 k2 (k2tog yo 3x) k1 (yo ssk 3x) k3
R19 k3 (k2tog yo 2x) k1 (yo ssk 2x) k4
R21 k4 (k2tog yo 2x) k1 (yo ssk 2x) k5
R23 k5, k2tog yo, k1, yo ssk, k5
R25 k6, k2tog yo, k1, yo ssk, k6
R26 true knit
- Makes one spider web