31 Days of Loom Knitting Stitches - Day 14 ZigZag
Today's stitch is the Flying ZigZag Stitch.
Fun Fact: The ZigZag stitch twisting and winding cliff paths west coast of Ireland and symbolizes marriage has no straight paths,
Happy Looming Loomers!
Supplies Needed:
Peg Loom
Yarn Hook
Yarn Needle
k - Knit Stitch
p - Purl Stitch
R1 - k3 p3
R2 - knit to end
R3 - p1 *k3 p3 last 5 stitches k3 p2
R4 - knit to end
R5 - p2 *k3 p3 last 4 stitches k3 p1
R6 - knit to end
R7 - p3 k3
R8 - knit to end
R9 - p2 *k3 p3 last 4 stitches k3 p1
R10 - knit to end
R11 - p1 *k3 p3 last 5 stitches k3 p2
R12 - knit to end
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